
How to Browse Securely and Privately in 2023: The Ultimate Guide to Web Search Privacy

Navigating the vast realm of the internet is like exploring an endless treasure trove filled with information, entertainment, and countless opportunities. However, amid this digital bounty lie risks and challenges, particularly concerning your privacy and security. Each time you embark on an online search, you unwittingly leave behind breadcrumbs of your digital footprint—traces that can be harvested, dissected, and exploited by a myriad of entities, ranging from advertisers and tech conglomerates to hackers and even governmental bodies. While their motives may differ, they share a common objective: to unravel the intricacies of your online existence.

Cisco Zero-Day Exploited to Install Malicious Backdoor on Over 40,000 Devices

If you are using a Cisco device running IOS XE software, you might want to check if it has been compromised by a malicious backdoor. A new zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2023-20273) has been discovered and exploited by an unknown threat actor to gain full control over thousands of Cisco switches, routers, and wireless LAN controllers.

AI Models Transparency: Stanford Researchers Illuminate Transparency in AI Models

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, transparency has emerged as a crucial cornerstone. Recent revelations by Rishi Bommasani, Society Lead at the Center for Research on Foundation Models (CRFM) within Stanford HAI, shed light on a concerning trend - a decline in transparency among companies operating in the foundation model domain.